Natural Atractions
There are more than 50 geosites and biodiversity sites of great interest on the territory of the geopark:
- Nature Reserve Museum of the Costești Trovans
- 5 sectors of gorges: Cheile Cernei (Vaideeni), Cheile Bistriței and Cheile Costești (Costești), Cheile Cheii and Cheile Folea (Băile Olănești)
- 7 natural reserve caves in Cheile Cheii - Goat Cave (Peștera Caprelor), Bell Cave (Peștera Clopot), Lake Cave (Peștera cu Lac), Pearl Cave (Peștera cu Perle), Munteanu-Murgoci Cave, Pagodelor Cave and Lobster Cave (Peștera Rac)
- 2 natural reserve caves in the Bistrita Gorge - the Bat Cave – Peștera Liliecilor (electrified, with cave churches) and the Bear Cave (Peștera Urșilor)
- a cave in Folea Gorge - Arnauts Cave
- a cave in Cheila Cernei - Ponorul suspendat, the largest in the geopark, with an extension of more than 10 km
- more than 10 spectacular valleys with relief and fossil points - Cernei Valley, Luncavățului Valley, Cuca Valley, Gurgui Valley, Proslop Valley, Ignat Valley, Voiceasa Valley, Otăsăului Valley, Cheia Valley, Olănești Valley, Pârâul Câinelui
- natural stone arches
- stone House areas with spectacular karst relief - the dolines of Mount Arnota, Mount Cacova, Mount Piatra, Mount Albu, Mount Stogu Nature Reserve, Poiana de Piatră, Poiana Frumoasă, Poiana Piscul cu Brazi, Curmătura Builei
- extensive alpine landscape areas in the Căpățânii Mountains, from the Ursu peak to the Gera peak very important sites for biodiversity - the rich snowdrop meadow (Leucojum vernum) at Prislop
- the Yew Nature Reserve at Cheia
- the orchid meadows in Cheia Valley and Prislop Valley,
- the alpine hollow with rhododendron in the Căpățânii Mountains,
- the Mosoroasa Marsh Nature Reserve in Băile Olănești
- the Radița-Mânzu Nature Reserve
- Dosul Pământului
- 1302 ha of virgin forests in Buila-Vânturarița National Park
- the clay deposits of Dealul Ulmului and the mineral deposits necessary for the production of colours
- raw materials for Horezu pottery two stone quarries - the Bistrița limestone quarry and the Romani quarry
In the immediate vicinity of the geopark, other sites can be visited:
- The Natural Reserve of the Pyramids of Slătioara
- Ocnele Mari Salt Mine
- Evantai Ravine at Ocnele Mari