
One single entity cannot carry such a complex project.

The Oltenia de sub Munte Geopark involves a coalition of partners. There are more than 120 at present, and each entity contributes to the goal through activities and projects for the evaluation, promotion and enhancement of the local heritage.

Strategic partners

The National Forum of Geoparks in Romania, which aims to support the UNESCO Geosciences and Geoparks Programme in Romania - is composed of the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO, the University of Bucharest, the UNESCO International Geopark Tara Hațegului, the UNESCO International Geopark Ținutul Buzăului, the aspiring UNESCO Geopark Carpaterra, other relevant organizations and institutions in the field of natural and cultural heritage.

Bioregion Weaving Labs is an international programme in which Romania is represented by the Kogayon Association - Oltenia de sub Munte, coordinated by Ashoka Europe, Commonland and Presencing Institute. It aims to regenerate ecologically, socially and economically 1 million hectares in Europe by activating 1 million people.

BRD Groupe Société Générale supports a long-term programme, launched in 2023, through the strategic partnership between the Romanian Geoparks Network and the Urban Nature Network. The aim of the programme is to connect rural and urban communities for nature conservation and sustainable development through 4 objectives:

  1. Development of Oltenia under the Mountain, as a development model based on the evaluation, promotion and sustainable exploitation of the local natural and cultural heritage.
  2. Development of the Romanian Geoparks Network and of the geoparks as territories of sustainable development that can strengthen communities, increase the local tourist offer and efficiently preserve and enhance the local natural and cultural heritage.
  3. Develop the Network of Urban Natural Areas in Romania and support the preservation of urban natural areas, be they forests, meadows or wetlands, as spaces for health, recreation, education and conservation.
  4. To develop a communication campaign through the two national networks: "Discover the nature around you!"

Globe 365 is the tour-operator travel agency with whom we want to develop tourism in the Oltenia de sub Munte, by creating and promoting packages and tourist products.

GRF+  is the communication agency that supports us in the realization and implementation of our communication strategy.

Local entrepreneur partners

Tourism entrepreneurs: Vatra Inn, Arnota Guesthouse, Casa Cucu Guesthouse, Ralu&Ello Peninsula, Brâncoveanu Glamping in Costești, Moara Viselor Guesthouses, Cerdacul din Livadă and Bucătăria Elenei Local Gastronomic Point in Vaideeni, Casa Paloși Guesthouse, Dana Guesthouse, Andra's House Guesthouse and Restaurant and Popas Valea Ursului in Horezu, Maldăr's Mansion in Măldărești, Frații Lupi Horse Riding Association in Băile Olănești, Cheia Hut.

Popular craftsmen: Paloși Ceramics, Mihai Bîscu Ceramics, Pietraru Ceramics from Horezu, Borangic Nicolescu from Stoenești, Rodica Fabrics from Costești.

Local and national entrepreneurs: Nature in Focus - Vâlcea Naturală, Normandia Transport Horezu, Sovis Print, Geo ID Ivents, ICS Business International, Dirac, Down to Earth Consulting, Graphein Topo S.A.

Civil society: The Urban Nature Network (15 organizations from 10 major Romanian cities), Ashoka Romania, Bucharest Green Belt Initiative, Vâlcea Community Foundation, Vâlcea Naturală Project, Sport Fără Limite Vâlcea Association (organizers of Buila Trail Race), StudioGovora Association, Nomad Sports Club, Lykaios Sports Club Rm. Vâlcea, Cultural Association Vaideeni Heirs, Vaideenii Foundation, Union of Artists of Romania - Rm. Valcea, Association of Geologists and Geophysicists Students, Romanian Geological Society, Society of Mountain Guides and Leaders, Romanian Scouts - Mircea cel Bătrân Local Centre Rm. Vâlcea, Buila-Vânturarița Tourism and Ecology Club Rm. Vâlcea, Association Lacrima dei Monti Vaideeni, Association Clubul Sportiv Loviștea, Association YES - Youth Educational Support Costești, Geoclub Horezu, Geoclub Costești.

Educational and research institutions: University of Bucharest, University of Suceava - Faculty of Forestry, Geological Institute of Romania, C-tin Brâncoveanu Horezu High School, Băile Olănești High School, Bistrița Special School, Ferigile Costești Primary School, Vaideeni Primary School, Bărbătești Primary School, Stoenești Primary School.

Public authorities: Buila-Vânturarița National Park Administration, Valcea County Prefecture, Valcea County School Inspectorate, Valcea County Public Mountain Rescue Service, Valcea County Public Mountain Rescue Service, Olănești Local Mountain Rescue Service.

Geopark Ambassadors Journalist and film producer Charlie Ottley, speleologist Cristian Lascu, climber Alex Găvan, explorer Radu Păltineanu, photographers Dan Dinu and Cătălin Georgescu, journalist Mona Nicolici, writer Marius Chivu, blogger Cristian China Birta.

The former prefect of Valcea Sebastian Fârtat, MPs Laurențiu Cazan and Ion Marin Lazăr, Senator Claudia Mihaela Banu.