Press Release


The application for the aspirant UNESCO Geopark Oltenia de sub Munte had to be withdrawn

Bucharest, July 16, 2024 - Oltenia de sub Munte - UNESCO Aspirant Geopark, a major project of the Kogayon Association, underwent an international evaluation mission last week. The International Network of UNESCO Geoparks currently encompasses 213 UNESCO International Geoparks in 48 countries, including two in Romania: the UNESCO International Geopark Țara Hațegului and the UNESCO International Geopark Ținutul Buzăului. Once integrated into the Network, the territory of the aspiring UNESCO Geopark Oltenia de sub Munte would have benefited from the prestigious UNESCO site designation, with all the material and immaterial advantages, in particular promotion and notoriety at international level.

The evaluation mission of the Aspirant UNESCO Geopark Oltenia de sub Munte

The Aspirant UNESCO Geopark Oltenia de sub Munte, which includes two towns and four municipalities (from East to West: Băile Olănești, Stoenești, Bărbătești, Costești, Horezu and Vaideeni) is a project that does not fall under the provisions of GEO 57/2007 on the regime of protected natural areas, as it is not assumed by normative act. The aspiring UNESCO Geopark Oltenia de sub Munte started its validation as a UNESCO International Geopark five years ago and started to operate according to the standards of the international geopark concept. This model involves a dedicated team of professionals, a network of more than 150 partners, projects of territory assessment, education, promotion, support and development of local entrepreneurship, visitor infrastructure, realization of visual identity and local brand. The Kogayon Association applied for membership of the International Network of UNESCO Geoparks last November. In accordance with the UNESCO procedure, the eligibility criterion of the international geological value of the territory was met, as well as other technical criteria, checked and validated by international evaluators from the International Network of UNESCO Geoparks and the International Union of Geological Sciences.

As a result, UNESCO mandated the subsequent step, the field evaluation mission, which was carried out last week by two representatives appointed by the Global Network of UNESCO Geoparks. The 101 criteria required to join the Global Network of UNESCO Geoparks are related to geology, cultural heritage, biodiversity, socio-economic context, education, visibility and promotion, partnerships and collaborations, management and sustainability.

The geological value has been documented through specialized studies and the visit of the two evaluators validates that the territory has all the assets to become a UNESCO International Geopark and that the results of the Kogayon Association team are in line with these global criteria.

The UNESCO International Geopark is a project for sustainable development that addresses in an integrated way all the values of a territory, from the international value of geology, natural heritage to the cultural values of the local community. Accreditation endorses the geological and cultural importance of the site without further restrictions. Then, with the ability of the decision-makers and the local people, the project can become a remarkable vector for the development of the territory.

The withdrawal decision

Within the framework of the international evaluation mission, the Kogayon Association organized a meeting with partners of the aspiring UNESCO Geopark Oltenia de sub Munte on Tuesday, July 9. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Management Board and authorities. On behalf of the local authorities, delegates from the Horezu, Costești and Vaideeni town halls participated.

Representatives of the National Salt Company Salrom, which owns the Bistrița limestone quarry in the territory, asked for clarification of the legal framework regarding geoparks, so that there would be no confusion regarding restrictions that may affect the development of their main economic activity.

On the other hand, the representatives of local entrepreneurs present at the meeting emphasized the added value that the project of the aspiring UNESCO Oltenia de sub Munte Geopark has already brought to them and to other entrepreneurs who were not present at the meeting, and expressed their 100% support for the project.

The civil society members recalled the importance of the activities already carried out through the International Aspiring Geopark project, which could have been strengthened by acquiring the status, for the sustainable development of the territory. The delegates of the Horezu City Hall presented to the plenary the City Council Resolution of 28.03.2024, according to which it "rejects the steps taken by the Kogayon Association to establish a geopark on the territory of the Horezu UAT". The Kogayon Association was not called to that meeting, did not receive any requests for clarification on the geopark project and was not informed of this decision until the meeting on July 9.

The Secretary General of the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO, present during the evaluation mission, including the meeting of July 9, had a working meeting with the Prefecture of Valcea County and, following consultation with the relevant central authorities in the field of UNESCO procedure, initiated the stage of withdrawal of the candidacy of the aspiring UNESCO Geopark Oltenia de sub Munte, at least until the national legislative framework is clarified.

In Romanian legislation, the geopark is mentioned in the category of protected natural areas of international importance, which has over time created confusion with the model of sustainable development represented by the UNESCO international geoparks, which are international designations, a fact also recognized by UNESCO and national authorities. The Kogayon Association has in recent years submitted proposals for resolving legislative ambiguities, which have been integrated into the text of the proposed Emergency Ordinance on the regime of protected natural areas; this text is published for debate by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests on the website of the institution.

Kogayon Association expresses its gratitude to all the partners and supporters of this project who are by its side and remains dedicated to its mission to develop the socio-economic and sustainable development of the territory of Oltenia de sub Munte, through collective actions based on legislative elements, in favor of the well-being of the citizens of the geopark territory.